Our journal uses double-blind review, meaning that during the review process both the reviewer’s and author’s identities are concealed from each other. In order to facilitate this, authors need to prepare their manuscripts so that not to give away their identity. Thus, we try to reduce the effects of conscious or subconscious bias during research papers evaluation. The author(s) do not receive the names of the handling editor and of the reviewers. During evaluation, all necessary information about their manuscripts can be obtained from the editorial office.

All articles are peer-reviewed.

Two reviewers’ recommendation is stated:

– accept without revision
– accept after revision (major or minor)
– reject

– The editorial board evaluates the submitted papers according to the objectives of the Romanian Review of Geographical Education. Papers that do not meet these objectives will be rejected. In case of ethical misconduct, the editorial board act according to relevant international rules of publication and research ethics (COPE guidelines and Elsevier’s Ethics in Research and Publishing – Publishing Ethics Resource Kit);
Grammatical and spelling errors will not be corrected by the editorial board. Manuscripts needing grammatical and spelling changes will be returned to the author(s);
– Manuscripts will be sent to two referees;
– The final publications of the papers will be decided by the editorial board on the basis of reviewers’ comments;
– When a manuscript is rejected by one reviewer as not acceptable to be published, the editors decide whether the paper is to be sent to a third reviewer or returned to the author(s);
– The author(s) must make the required changes and send a final draft within a period requested by the editorial board;
– Author(s) will not be paid for their published papers.


COPE (2014) Guidelines. Available from:

ELSEVIER (2014) Publishing Ethics Resources Kit Available from: